All New Cases!
Last registration date - Dec. 4th
Saturday, December 7, 2024, 9-5pm
Check-in starts at 8:15 am
Hotel Indigo, Traverse City, MI
263 W Grandview Pkwy, Traverse City, MI
Hotel room information will be sent in confirmation email. Group rate 0f $139++ may not be available after Nov. 21st. Please contact hotel staff listed in your email to check on room availability and rates.
Valet parking only, available at Hotel Indigo - $18 per day.
Limited to 10 attorneys. Minimum 6 required.
$320 for CDAM Members/$400 for Non-Members
CLE Skills Training Hour (8)
Nicole Smith, Harry Mihas, and Patrick Cherry
You do NOT have to take prior Boot Camps to attend this Boot Camp.